MOvember is here and MoJoe needs your help!

This will be there first year I am participating in Movember. I always thought it was just a reason for dudes to grow out their mustache. I'm not a big fan of them, so I opted out. But I did a little research and became a big fan of their mission. The broad stroke is this: By 2030, they want to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%.

I absolutely support that mission. From Mental Health to prostate and testicular cancer, guys have a lot of health issues that often time go unnoticed or simply don't get discovered until it is too late. Let's face it, most guys aren't very proactive with their doctors visits and checkups. Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent.

Mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – we’re taking them all on. Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services reach and support men.

Movember exists to help men live happier, healthier, longer lives – this is what drives every single one of their 1,250 men’s health projects. In everything they do, they strive to be transparent and accountable. They report thoroughly on each project so that the Mo Bros and Mo Sisters can see how their support is changing the lives of men around the world.

So, the mustache is here to stay this month and I simply ask you to >>>CLICK HERE<<< and donate $5, $10, $20, $50, whatever you can to help me hit my goal of $500 to this cause. And leave a comment if you're donating in the name of someone in your life you lost too young.

And once I hit the goal, I'll shave this ridiculous facial fuzz off my upper lip. Thank you in advance!

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