WATCH: 'Wheel Of Fortune' Contestant Loses on Purpose

I have no shame in admitting that I'm a 'Wheel Watcher.' Usually, when a person gets on the show they try as hard as possible to win as much money as they can. That's why this particular episode from a few years ago is confusing.

Contestant Nura was doing really well going into the final round, then things get weird. It's like she completely forgot how to play, picking letters like 'Z' and 'Q." But her strategy (yes, she had one) was incredibly heartfelt.

This video is from 2015, but is going viral again because of what Nura did. She is a Veteran, appearing on the show's Veteran's Week. Early in the game, Nura played great! In the last round, the category was "What Are You Doing?" And she picked some bizarre letters, losing to another contestant. The other contestant was Steve, who started the round without any winnings, but ended it with $6,400. Now, Nura still won the game, even after throwing the final round.

Some people were suspicious that Nura knew the answer but didn't want to give the other contestants any help, by picking strange letters. But that seems unlikely. Instead, it is believed that Nura had such a large lead, she threw the round so that her other contestants, and fellow Veterans, would win some money as well. Sure, everyone walks away with at least $1,000 in prizes, but it's always better to win more, and Nura ensured Steve did just that.

Nura didn't solve the bonus round puzzle in time, but still left the show with about $14,000 in prizes. And, more importantly, reminded viewers of the various sacrifices the men and women in uniform make.

Well played, Nura.

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