Kacey Musgraves Shares Preview Of New Song About Divorce

Kacey Musgraves celebrated her 33rd birthday on Saturday, and gave her fans a present. The singer previewed what is likely a brand new single, sharing a short snippet of the tune, as well as several lyrics, which reveal the tune is likely inspired by her divorce from husband Ruston Kelly

“Let me set the scene/Two lovers ripped right at the seams/They woke up from the perfect dream/And then the darkness came," she shared in a series of posts on Instagram. "I signed the papers yesterday/You came and took your things away/Moved out of the home we made/And gave you back your name." 

She adds, “What have we done?/Did we fly too high?/Just to get burned by the sun?/No one's to blame/'Cause we called all the angels to save us/Called them by name/But I guess they got lost." Check out the short snippet of the song to the right.

  • ONE MORE THING! Meanwhile Kacey’s new man, Cole Schafer posted a loving tribute to her on Instagram for her birthday. "Here’s to you looking to your right when you stepped into F***. Here’s to you writing me back. Here’s to your jawline that chaps my lips and your hair I can’t keep my hands out of," he shared. "Here’s to your aesthetic and your art being a close second to your heart. Here’s to you making it through thirty-two and here’s to you making history in thirty-three. It’s been so damn pretty falling for you, Kacey." Kacey then responded to the post, sharing, “Sweet angel boo. Life is so much prettier with you in it."

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