Man Dumps Girlfriend Using Jumbotron

Nobody likes to get dumped but how it happens may go a long way towards how fast someone gets over it. Well, we have a feeling this gal isn’t going to be getting over her dumping anytime soon, particularly since it happened in such a public way. 

While we’ve seen guys propose to their girlfriends using the jumbotron at baseball games, one man apparently thought it would be appropriate to use the big screen to cut his gal loose. That’s right, during an Akron, Ohio RubberDucks baseball game last week one guy dumped his girlfriend on the jumbotron scoreboard.

During the usual “Fan Shout-Out” segment on the big screen, one particularly harsh message flashed, reading, "Alyssa, this relationship is OVER,” and it was signed "Tim." Apparently the very public dumping cost Tim a whole $5.

According to Jack Haines, the RubberDucks' creative services coordinator, when the message was read it got quite a reaction. "The crowd went pretty crazy," he said. "They were pretty loud, and from up in the press box, it's hard to hear some of the sounds, and we heard it for sure." And believe it or not, he says this isn’t the first time the jumbotron has been used to dump someone.

The Tim and Alyssa in the message have not been identified, but Haines believes the dumping was very real. "We have not heard from either person and it was real as far as we know," he said, although he added thy have "no verification" of the couple's identity or status. 

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