We Doubled-Up, FAM! I’m Your ACM && CMA Radio Personality of the Year!


I almost didn’t dye my hair the night before. I knew how special our year was, but I wasn’t sure the judges would feel it the way WE felt it. But I hoped. And I believed. So I put ON that fresh PURP!

FLASHBACK to one week ago when, for the first time in FOUR Country Music Association nominations, the press release with all the winners hadn’t gone out yet. Meaning, a winner hadn’t yet been revealed (as they had been in each of the past years) … MEANING! there was still a chance … it could still be me! A Mystery Artist Could Still Be Calling!!! 

I was texting with a few of my fellow nominees & as we were all waiting/hoping/praying - superstitiously trying not to jinx anything - my phone rang. First time was … A SPAM CALL?!?!? NO! Second time was … spam again! DOUBLE-NO! But then at 12:05PM, that third call came & it sure was a charm!

CARLY PEARCE was calling ME! CALLING US! Which meant what we’ve been experiencing together on 102.5 KNIX these past years (but especially in 2020!!!) was being nationally & officially recognized by my peers/mentors/fellow country #radio lovers/supporters/advocates! LIKE!! WUT!!! We did this! Together!

*** This is just the third time (ever) a radio personality has won both the ACM (Academy of Country Music) Award & CMA (Country Music Association) Award in the same year! And it’s the first time ever fornot only a female, but for a solo midday talent too! JUST! WOW! ***

I love being a bright spot in your day, for as many minutes as you’re able to share with me. I feel you with me always … and these awards, these accolades, these great honors are OURS, TOGETHER, SHARED.

Thank you will never be enough, so I’ll just play some more #countrymusic

Here’s my Winning Submission!

This year, I had the crazy idea to create not only a comic book, (my hubby’s way into ‘em) but my very own Super Hero …. RadioGirLL! With the help of INKMASTER BUBBA IRWIN and my Producer C$$$, we created a Purple-Pew-Pew-Powered Comic Book & told the story of our 2020-2021 connection and how important we were to and for each other.

Certain elements are required (Biography/Leadership/Community/Accolades/etc.) but it’s up to each personality how they create their entry.

Didn’t this turn out SO RAD?


Thank you for being not only part of my entry, but part of each of my days. I was already a winner because of YOU.



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