Which Halloween Candy Pairs Best With Wine

When it comes to wine, we’ve all heard that white goes with fish and red with steak, but what about Skittles and other Halloween candy?

With Halloween coming up next week, you may find yourself with some leftover candy. Let's be honest, the kids get a year's supply of candy in one night, so there is plenty to go around! And if you’re looking for the best thing to sip with it, wine experts suggest these pairings.

M&Ms and Malbec – the little chocolates go with a rich bodied red.

Reese’s Cups and Pinot Noir – it’s almost like peanut butter and jelly.

Sour Patch Kids and Rosé – they’re tart so you want something dry. 

Gummy Bears and Champagne – you can drop ’em right in your champagne flute to let it soak up the bubbles.

I will definitely be trying these out!

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