Resources To Help Keep Kiddos Busy During This Crazy Time

I know in this time of craziness, now we also have to think of different ways to keep our kids occupied while they are forced to stay home. Which I AM ALL FOR!! Kids so easily pass germs and bugs around the classroom, so it only makes sense if we are trying to lessen the spread.

I had to explain to my 6 year old son that now we have to learn from home, which was a WHOLE conversation in itself. I had to explain that this wasn't a time to go to the movies or the trampoline park. It's a time where we need to stay inside so we don't spread the yucky germs. "It's like the biggest game of cooties." He looked at me like I was crazy. Then I explained that it's important to keep up with his education and this will make the time go by faster anyway.

So here are a few different websites and resources we are using while he sits in the studio with me!

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