Most Americans Never Complete a New Year Resolution, Here's Why

A lot of folks made New Year’s resolutions only a few weeks ago, but let’s face it, a lot of people probably gave up already. So, how successful are people when it comes to resolutions? Well, a new survey set out to discover just that.

The survey finds:

  • Two-thirds of Americans say they have never successfully completed a New Year’s resolution.
  • Regardless, three-quarters of Americans set New Year’s resolutions this year.
  • 36% actually think they will achieve what they set out to do.
  • 35% believe they will achieve at least some of their goals.
  • 4% don’t believe they’ll achieve any of them.
  • Of those who don’t expect to achieve their resolutions, the average person starts falling behind by January 29th.
  • They will the give up entirely by February 4th.

So, why is it so hard to stick to resolutions? Well, the top reasons include:

  • Tried to give up something they enjoy (42%)
  • Their goals were too large/ambitious (42%)
  • They don’t have a good support network for achieving their resolution (38%)
  • They don’t have the motivation to stick to a resolution (37%)
  • They set too many goals for myself (37%)
  • Their resolution was expensive (36%)
  • Other things took priority (34%)
  • Not enough time for my resolution (33%)

But after the past couple of years, many folks have decided not to stress themselves out with resolutions.

  • 75% say the pandemic has made them less concerned about “typical” resolutions.
  • 69% are more focused on their happiness than making significant lifestyle changes. 

I try to take a different approach. I set a goal for the year, usually a fitness goal, and come up with 12 monthly challenges to help achieve that goal. For example, I'm trying to drop some weight, so each month I am making small changes to help get me there. This month is Dry January, which is much easier to complete than dry 2022. Imagine that sense of accomplishment, 12 times each year.

Whatever your goal may be, you got this! Keep going!

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