Join the Springs Preserve and the Christmas Tree Recycling Committee in giving our community a gift: Recycle your tree.
There are more than 30 locations where you can drop off your tree anytime from Dec. 26 through Jan. 15.
The trees will be chipped into mulch and used in public gardens and parks across the valley to help conserve soil moisture and keep plants healthy.
More than 243,000 trees – a whopping 2,118 tons – have been recycled since the community-based program began counting trees in 2001.
Guidelines to follow:
Remove all non-organic materials such as lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, tree stands and any other material that are not part of the tree.
Flocked (sprayed with artificial snow) trees cannot be recycled.
Trees more than 5 feet tall should be cut in half.
Find a Christmas Tree Recycling Drop Off Location near you... Click Here.