It’s no secret that Americans love food, and it turns out they love it so much that eating is something they are constantly looking forward to.
A new poll finds:
- 62% of Americans saying sitting down to a meal is the best part of their day.
- 56% are particularly excited to eat dinner.
- 63% say enjoying a meal gives them a necessary mental break from the day.
- 55% say eating acts like a form of therapy.
- What’s more, 68% of people say they look forward to their weekend meals as a “reward” for getting through a tough week.
- 44% say they save their better quality meals for the weekend.
Of course, there are certain foods some folks look forward to more than others.
- Among the foods Americans look forward to the most:
- Pizza (51%)
- Burgers (38%)
- Pasta (38%)
- Barbeque (34%)
- Asian foods (30%)
- French fries (29%)
- Fast food restaurant take out (26%)
- Mac n cheese (24%)
- Burritos (24%)
- Nachos (24%)