Meet Twinkie! Twinkie is estimated to be around 9 years old and is a Chihuahua/Welsh Corgi Mix. Her human passed away, so the neighbors took her in temporarily until she ended up in the care of A Home 4 Spot.
She is a perfect dog. All she wants to do is be next to her human. She loves to sleep in bed with you and likes to be under a sheet if it’s cold. She needs assistance to get up onto the bed. If you have doggy stairs, she will probably use them. Twinkie was bummed during her first couple days with her foster family. During her adjustment period, she had a couple stress-related accidents in the house. However, as soon as she was shown to go outside, she went ever since.
She's a fast learner and knows how to use a doggy door. She has a tiny bit of anxiety and will softly cry if you’re on the other side of a door, like trying to use the restroom. But if you leave the house, she will rest and take a nap. She won’t cry, bark, or destroy your home. She is SO SWEET and a perfect angel.
If you are Twinkie's forever family, fill out an adoption interest form at!